Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Is it OK to be Sad when my best friend is getting married?

Is it OK to allow myself to grieve the loss of a close relationship, because it will change?

I have someone I’ve known for nearly a decade. We went to University together, we’ve collaborated on work together, we hang out together, we shopped together, we had trips where we spent together and we flight together.

Those are the time when we were learning what it meant to be best friend, what it meant to grow up. Yes, she is my Best Friend.

But now only one day left to her wedding day, I am genuinely happy for her but there is an element of sadness too.

She is the one I would call late into the night. She is the one who I would go to for advice about dresses, restaurants and life choices. She is there whenever I needed her and I was there for her as well.

But the reality is, relationships change. Change are good things but sometimes change hurts.

I know she is still my friend and this is also what she say repeatedly to me but the relationship changes. She cannot be there for me all the time. In truth, she shouldn’t be.

To be honest, I am so sad, because our time as single friends is over and we won’t have those whole day shopping, late-night phone conversations or the security of knowing someone is always there to listen.

All days I tried to hide my sadness and my tears in front of her because I wanted to let her talk about the wedding plans, I wanted to spend our precious time by having fun during preparing stuffs for wedding.

You know what I do all day? I just pray… pray…pray for the strength to resist such a change!

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